“The wedding (or honeymoon holiday) is an event, love is a practice. The graduation is an event, education is a practice. The race is an event, fitness is a practice. The heart, mind, and body are endless pursuits.” — James Clear

“Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein

“There are no quick fixes. But, by taking action just a little bit every day, you will build up a powerful reservoir of confidence, self-esteem, and discipline.” — Scott Allan

“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” — Woody Allen

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” — Confucius


“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” — Carl Jung

“When the root is strong, the fruit is sweet.” — Bob Marley

There is a Zen Buddhist saying: “What do you do before enlightenment? Chop wood, carry water. What do you do after enlightenment? Chop wood, carry water.”


希臘神話中薛西佛斯 (Sisyphus) 推石頭的故事

  • Sisyphean: 形容「永無盡頭而又徒勞無功的任務」

瀝青滴漏實驗 (The Pitch Drop Experiment)

The “Consistently Good Rather Than Occasionally Great” Principle

Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential.

Doing a thing once is nothing special. You’re only a legend if you can do it back to back to back with thousands of hours of meticulous preparation.

力行、奉行 每天「一點點」 的哲學

  • 每天一點點讀書進修
  • 每天一點點肌膚保養
  • 每天一點點拉筋伸展
  • 每天一點點關心朋友
  • 每天一點點照顧家人

The 1 Percent Rule ()

  • The Mamba Mentality by Kobe Bryant
    • Try to get 1% better at what your are doing every single day.
  • Marginal Gains by Sir David Brailsford
    • Pay attention to every little detail, and then trying to improve it by 1%, will have massive compound benefits when added together in the long run.
  • Tony Robbins’ CANI Theory
    • Committing yourself to Constant And Never-Ending Improvement.
  • Anything above zero compounds positively
    • One doesn’t seem like much, but it’s something real. At zero, you’re still dreaming.
    • Two is twice as good as one, but one is infinitely better than zero.
  • Don’t Underestimate the Power of 5 Good Minutes
    • You’re always 5 good minutes away from feeling better.
      • 5 minutes of exercise—your energy shifts. 
      • 5 minutes of writing—your mind clears. 
      • 5 minutes of reading—your perspective changes. 
      • 5 minutes of breathwork—your body resets. 
      • 5 minutes of conversation—your mood improves.
    • Whenever the day feels overwhelming and tough, try to ask yourself: What’s the best way I can spend my next 5 minutes?

大樹不是一夜之間就可以長出來的 — 你必須在多年前就種下樹苗,經過多年的悉心培養與照料,最後才能享受綠蔭。

EVERYDAY is easier than SOMEDAY. Embrace the daily mundane activities / ordinary actions. Find the lifelong rhythm.

  • It’s easier to keep up than to catch up.
  • It’s easier to stay motivated when you have momentums.

恆毅力 (Grit) = perseverance and passion for very long term goals

  • Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.
  • Don’t mistake hustle for grit. Real grit is finishing what you start when it’s no longer exciting. It’s important to knowing when to grit and when to quit.
  • “Slow and steady wins the race.”

See also: