“Any decision that involves using a limited / the same resource like (energy, attention, )time or money will naturally result in a winner-take-all situation.” — James Clear

“For all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.” — The Bible

refers to

  • situations in which small differences in performance lead to outsized rewards / very unequal distributions when repeated over time
  • being slightly better than the competition to secure the entire rewards

The winner gets one and the rest get zero.

You only win by 1 percent or 1 second or 1 dollar, but you capture 100 percent of the victory.

  • Examples
    • Politicians compete for the same votes
    • Authors compete for the same spot at the top of the best-seller list
    • Athletes compete for the same gold medal
    • Companies compete for the same potential client
    • Television shows compete for the same hour of your attention

See also: