by Anders Ericsson (研究世界專家的世界專家)


Constantly improve/revise in an iterative manner → Don’t track number of hours, track number of iterations.

10,000 hours of doing the same thing → 10,000 hours of iterations with 9,999 failed attempts

Similar to the concept of Progressive Overload in Strength Training — “Reps, Reps, Reps.”


  1. 設定明確的最終目標
  2. 建立 系統化 的練習方法
  3. ⭐️ 選擇勉強可完成的挑戰 (Challenging Limits)
    • Working on tasks or problems that are neither too easy (which might lead to boredom) nor impossibly hard (which might cause frustration), but rather difficult enough to stretch your abilities
    • Taking on challenges that are manageable enough that you win most of the time, but meaningful enough that you improve as well
  4. 專注地獨立練習 (Deeply Engaged)
  5. 反思 (Reassess) 並尋求立即性的 意見回饋

The common narrative is that kids learn faster than adults, but if you observe any toddler, they spend a large portion of the day attempting things that are on the edge of their ability .1 The key is to enjoy hanging out on the edge. That is, you find it interesting to attempt things one step beyond where you are right now.


  • A student solving math problems slightly above their comfort level.
  • An athlete attempting a personal best in a challenging competition.
  • An artist trying a new technique that requires them to expand their skills.

“The Capability Gap” by Nick Saban

  • What you’re capable of, relative to what you are doing
  • Better terms for “potential”
  • It requires an understanding/awareness of:
    • Your current delivery
    • Your full capability

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

  • developed by psychologist Lev Vygotsky
  • is the range where the learner is able to perform, but only with support from a teacher or a peer with more knowledge or expertise (a “more knowledgeable other”)


  1. The phrase “on the edge of their ability” refers to someone operating at the boundary of their current skills, knowledge, or capacity/competence. It describes a sweet spot where a person is challenged to the fullest extent of what they are capable of achieving, often fostering growth and improvement through effort and practice.