_“Everything you can imagine is real.” — Pablo Picasso*
心盲症/想像障礙 (Aphantasia)
- Your skill in any area is a function of the quantity and quality of Mental Representations (心智表徵) you have for that activity
Negative Visualization (= Mental Contrasting = Fantasy Realization Theory)
- Seems to be particularly effective when it is combined with “Implementation Intentions”
- WOOP: consider your Wish, imagine the Outcome, identify the Obstacle, and then make a Plan.
- Engaging first in the “positive fantasy (daydreams)” followed by an acknowledgement of the “negative reality”
- Visualize the negativities (e.g., disappointment, regret, pity, etc.) if you fail to achieve your goal, rather than simply visualize the goal you want to achieve — Rather than focus on the actions required for success. Consider what would lead to failure and avoid it.