= 人生賽局

  • Be carefully selective/picky in the games you choose to play. Which game you play is much more important than how well you play the game. Fight battles you are destined to win.
  • Don’t play games you don’t want to win. If you play stupid games, you will win stupid prizes. Escape the rat race cycle.
  • Analogy: 夾娃娃機
    • 本體 (e.g., 機台造型、擺設方式)
    • 贈品 (e.g., 保夾金額、物品價值)

Finite Game (有限賽局)Infinite Game (無限賽局)
is soon-endingis never-ending
= Zero-Sum Game = Loser’s Game = Multi-Player Game = Status Game= Positive-Sum Game = Winner’s Game = Single-Player Game = Wealth Game
You win by avoiding errors and waiting for your opponent to make errorsYou win by hitting incredible/elegant shots
The goal is to win the gameThe goal is to stay in the game and continue playing forever
打敗多少人? (Competition)幫助多少人? (Collaboration)
Either WIN or LOSE
(Any gain corresponds directly with an equivalent loss)
Fixed/Scarcity MindsetAbundance Mindset


  • 出奇制勝結束了有限遊戲;而出乎意料則是無限遊戲繼續進行的原因
  • To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated. (準備應對驚喜,意味著接受訓練;準備迎接驚喜,意味著接受教育)
    • 訓練是在未來重複一個已經完成的過去
    • 教育是將未完成的過去延續到未來

The 2 Types of Status by Sahil Bloom

Earned Status GameBought Status Game
Could the richest person in the world acquire the thing I want by tomorrow?Would I still be interested in buying (or doing/learning) this thing if I could not show it to anyone or tell anyone about it?
If the answer to this question is NO, you’re playing an Earned Status Game.If the answer to this question is NO, you’re playing a Bought Status Game.

See also: