”Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.” — William Faulkner

“Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” — Jon Acuff

比較 = 攀比

If you want to compare yourself with someone else, study ultra-successful people.

The only time you should look in someone else’s bowl is to see if they have enough.

Compare yourself…

  • to who you were yesterday (past self), not to who someone else is today
  • against your personal benchmarks

Stop comparing your day 1 to everyone else’s day 1000.

「社會就是地位的階梯,比較的結果決定處境。」— The Broken Ladder (破階效應)

Don’t follow the crowd. Run your own race. Free yourself from society’s advice, because most of them have no idea what they’re doing.

When you compare yourself with others, or have the desire to be like other people, you start doing things that aren’t aligned with your true self, abandoning your awesome uniqueness, and engaging in a competitive zero-sum game.

See also: