“To escape from the world means that one’s mind is not concerned with the opinions of the world.” — Dogen

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” — Mark Twain

“Everything popular is wrong.” — Oscar Wilde

“If you want to be successful in life, simply watch what most people would do in a given situation, and then do the total opposite—nine times out of ten, you’ll receive greater rewards.” — Earl Nightingale

“The world wants you to be typical – in a thousand ways, it pulls at you. Don’t let it happen. You have to pay a price for your distinctiveness, and it’s worth it.” — Jeff Bezos

“Don’t try to emulate. It’s a fool’s errand. Instead, each person is uniquely qualified at something. They have some specific knowledge, capability, and desire nobody else in the world does, purely from the combinatorics of human DNA and development.” — Naval Ravikant

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ― Dr. Seuss

“No one will ever be as good at being you than you are. No one can compete with you on being you.” — Naval Ravikant

“The more neatly you fit into society, the less free you actually are.” — Naval Ravikant

“Every human is non-fungible at the DNA level. It’s society, shame and conditioning that chips away at individuality.” — George Mack

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” — Oscar Wilde

“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else.” — Judy Garland

“If stars needed the sky’s permission to shine, the universe would be a very dark place.” — Matshona Dhliwayo

The Fight Against Normalcy

“You can’t be normal and expect abnormal returns.” — Jeffrey Pfeffer

“Extreme people get extreme results.” — Sam Altman

  • Maintaining your uniqueness in a world that pulls you to blend in, is the only way to realize your full potential and live a fulfilled, texture-rich existence.
  • It comes with a risk, but the rewards are abundant. It may come with a steep cost in the short-term, but the long-term rewards are worth it.

“Be weird. Your strangeness is your magic.” — Parker Lewis

Normal behavior is forgotten. Only weird behavior survives. Nobody tells stories of when you did the expected — they only tell stories when you did the unexpected. Normalize being weird. Weirdness is what sets us apart, makes us unique. Be your unapologetically weird self. In fact, being weird may even find you the ultimate happiness.

  1. If you pay for the bill at everyone in the table — the short-term reaction is shock and confusion. In the long term, it’s everyone’s favorite memory of you.
  2. If you travel across the world for a friend’s birthday, the friend’s initial reaction is: “You don’t have to do that” — but it’s the story they tell at your funeral.
  3. If you’re 100% honest with your feedback on people’s business ideas, the short-term reaction is anger. In the long term, you become one of the few people they trust.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Be true to yourself.

Sometimes becoming who you are is actually about unbecoming who you aren’t.

  • Uncondition/Undo yourself

The world doesn’t need one more template. It needs one more rebel.

Attract > Chase

“If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But if you spend your time making/mending a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come.” — Mario Quintana


  • Do one thing and do it extremely well.

What you are good at is different from what you are genetically encoded for.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Remember that life is an adventure.

“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.” — Joseph Campbell

Your best performances will come when you are working in a way that is a full expression of you. The work becomes a natural display of your personality. This is when you not only get better results, but also love the activity — because in doing the craft, you feel alive.


See also: