“Without reflection, we go blindly onour way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” — Margaret J. Wheatley
Reflect and review, coupled with the clarity of hindsight ,1 enables us to turn past experiences into valuable lessons for future growth.
- 放慢步調,與當下的掛念保持適當的心理距離,有助於激發 高階思考,使我們能夠以更宏觀的視角考慮、權衡大局。
- It is important to take time to slow down on a regular basis.
- The bird’s-eye view perspective on your situation provide a unique vantage point—an ability to see the landscape around you and the bigger picture. (鳥瞰/綜觀全局)
- If you think you have it tough, look around.
It’s not a matter of learning new information but of unlearning old limits/beliefs. → Reflect more. Review often.
Would the idea of living your current life on repeat be horrifying or affirming?
Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote on a thought experiment he referred to as Eternal Recurrence:
Imagine a universe in which you would live your current life over and over again, in perpetuity. You would live exactly the same way, down to the tiniest detail.
Would this be horrifying or affirming?
The thought experiment is intended to spark reflection and introspection on your current direction, decisions, and actions:
- What changes would you need to make to your life such that the idea of living it over and over again would be exciting?
- Who would you need to become?
- What attitudes or self-limiting beliefs would you need to scrub away?
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