= Immediate Gratification



Greedy Algorithm operates on the principle of “taking the best option now (Local Maximum)” without considering the long-term consequences.

Committing time to what’s best for you in the long run (like studying or exercising) is often unsatisfying in the short run, but people are wired to overvalue short-term rewards.

  • 比起長遠的利益,我們 (未經訓練) 的大腦更偏好馬上就可以得到的快樂和感官享受 (Sensory Pleasures)
    • 慾望滿足 → 大腦獎賞機制 → 多巴胺分泌 → 上癮
  • Sigmund Freud’s Pleasure Principle: The nature of human motivation is pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain (i.e., the desire to stay in the comfort zone; to escape the discomfort).
  • Our brains are optimized for energy efficiency, and they only turn on the CPU (Consciousness Processing Unit) when absolutely necessary


  • Doomscrolling on social media
  • Playing video games
  • Binge-watching TV, Netflix series, or YouTube videos
  • Binge-eating junk food (= crap food = highly/ultra processed food) 1

Pro Tips:

See also:


  1. Binge Eating Disorder = Consuming large quantities/amount of food in a short period of time, feeling unable to stop eating, until uncomfortably full → typically followed by feelings of guilt, shame, and distress.

  2. Time Blocking / Timebox (「與自己開會的時間」)