“Every intellectual endeavor starts with a note.” — Sönke Ahrens

= (Personal) Knowledge Management

Writing is the only thing that matters.

“One cannot think without writing.” — Niklas Luhmann

Incremental Writing

“For me, writing means making a rough draft and refining it over a considerable period of time. My image of myself as a writer includes the expectation of an ‘unacceptable’ first draft that will develop with successive editing into presentable form.” — Seymour Papert

不要記錄跟整理 Google 搜尋就能找到的資訊,這樣做最大的好處是,可以保證得到 up-to-date 的最新知識

Don’t just take notes (note-taker), but also make notes (note-maker).

Note-making is an active, engaged process for:

  • idea creation and connection
  • the strengthening of note retrieval
  • the clever use of spaced repetition

See also: