“Being aware of your mental models is key to being objective.” — Elizabeth Thornton
“Eloquence is a painting of the thoughts.” — Blaise Pascal
= 思維模型
A bunch of different mental habits can come together/team up to strongly steer your mind towards a particular course of action and create a big impact (The Lollapalooza Effect)
HCs = Habits of Mind and Foundational Concepts in Minerva University
- Deduction (演繹)
- Induction (歸納)
- Abduction (溯因)
Tools for better thinking | Untools
What Are Mental Models?
They are…
- to your brain as apps are to your smartphone
- thinking tools in our mental toolbox, guiding our thoughts and behaviors & driving our responses to everything we experience
- shortcuts for reasoning
- frameworks that give people a mental representation (心智表徵) of how the world works
- helps us to see the underlying patterns (脈絡) in every area of life
- helps us to spot the signal in the noise
- helps us to identify the blind spots in our thinking and thus think better (critically & creatively & connectively)
- helps us to view the world from different lens/eyes/perspectives, to make sense of the world