“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” — Socrates
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” — Lao Tzu
- Perpetual Busyness: We’re in the midst of a global busyness crisis
- The Busy Trap = The Rat Race — A treadmill to nowhere
- Often, we found there was a lot of movement, but no forward progress (like a “Rocking Horse” — always moving, but never going anywhere).
- 有時候,我們會覺得自己很忙,好像做了很多事,卻根本沒做出什麼明顯的成績。有行動,卻沒有成果。辛苦了老半天,結果卻回到原點,開始時和結束時的狀態都差不多,沒什麼進展。這正是 「效率 (Efficient) 」與「效能 (Effective) 」 的關鍵區別。兩者看似相近,實則大不相同 — 如果方向錯了,即使做得再好,也只是徒勞無功。
- Action: Break the busyness cycle. Don’t fall into “The Efficiency Trap.”
- “Being In Motion vs. Taking Action” by James Clear
- You gain clarity through motion, but don’t mistake motion with action.
- “Never mistake activity for achievement.” — John Wooden
- Don’t confuse being busy with being productive.