“Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always comes around to where you started again.” — Stephen King

The Surfer Mentality

喜憂参半是生活,起起落落 1 是人生

Life is a rollercoaster. Just gotta ride it. Enjoy the ride!

Some seasons you produce fruit, some seasons you prune, and some seasons you let your roots grow deep.

業障 (Karma) is the belief that your actions and choices can shape your life and the next.


  • = The Wheel of Time/History = The Cyclicality/Seasonality of Life)
  • Time goes through a natural three-part cycle:
    1. Creation (growth)
    2. Destruction (struggle, valley of stagnation)
    3. Rebirth (new beginnings)

The Solstice (至日) 2 reminds us: life is a beautiful cycle of renewal and retreat, each phase mirroring the other. 3 Embrace life’s natural rhythms.


  1. the ebb and the flow

  2. marks the longest and shortest days of the year

  3. “Renewal” signifies growth, rebirth, and new beginnings, while “Retreat” represents rest, reflection, and introspection.