“Life is a question and how we live it is our answer.” — [@kellerOneThingSurprisingly2013]

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” — Rumi

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

“There is no magic pill or shortcuts in life. The only shortcut is doing something the right way the first time so that you don’t waste any time on the shortcuts.” — Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

“I think a good formula for a pretty good life at the simplest level is independence plus purpose. You need to have a purpose that is bigger than yourself… and you need to have the independence to make sure you can do it on your own terms rather than chasing somebody else’s goal. That’s the highest level of psychological well-being, independence and purpose.” — Morgan Housel

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” — Confucius

Most events in life can be categorized in one of two ways: a good time, or a good story.

Life is neither a problem to be solved nor a game to be won.

Life isn’t just about where we’re going, but how we get there.

Life is not a debate—it’s not about winning the argument or being right. Winning an argument doesn’t make you right. Someone might win an argument and still be wrong. Being good at debating is not the same as being right.

Problems are a feature of life, not a bug. There will never come a time when you have no problems.

A good life has a healthy mix of selfish boundaries and unselfish giving.

The Pencil’s Tale

七個問答題的人生考卷 [@XiaoYeZhu.YouXieShiZheXieNianWoCaiDongXiaoYeDeRenShengSiKao2012]

  1. 你是誰? 你認識自己嗎?
  2. 人為何而活? 找到你的信仰了嗎?
  3. 誰是你靈魂的主宰? 誰影響你最深?
  4. 如何與大自然愉快相處?
  5. 你願意與誰同行?
  6. 人為什麼痛苦?
  7. 如何獲得幸福?


人生不是「是非題」,沒有 絕對的對錯、是非和黑白。人生的許多問題往往是相對的,常常是一體的兩面。人生也不會是「選擇題」,不因爲你每次都作了正確完美的選擇,而有了正確完美的人生。每個人的人生都不盡相同,所以正確的人生其實是不存在的。人生是環環相扣的「問答題」,[…],只有透過一次又一次的回答,才能撥雲見日,越來越明朗。你越早去面對和思考這些問題,越不會讓自己像一球被弄亂的毛線球,理不出頭緒來,也不會繞了許多冤枉的路,最後被亂了的毛線球綑綁住自己,無法繼續前進。