“A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.” — Arnold H. Glasow

“The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.” — Elbert Hubbard

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Half of friendship is just teaching the other person who the real you is so they can remind you when you’re confused.

Telling old stories to new friends. Telling new stories to old friends.

The real gauge of friendship is how clean your house needs to be before they can come over.

Be the someone else’s friend who is always there—in good times and bad. Be the Darkest Hour Friend (Foxhole/Yes Friend).

No friends > Bad friends

If you have too many deal friends, you won’t have enough real friends.

Good Questions to Justify Who is Your Best Friend

  • “Who do you have the least amount of internal filters with when you are around them?”
  • “Who can you sit in silence with and not have to feel it?”

Good “inner circle” friendships must be treasured.

  • Keep your circle small.
  • Keep your circle solid.


  • Treadmill Friends
    • Friends that give you energy
    • After hanging out with them, you have so much energy that you want to run on a treadmill to calm down
  • Sofa Friends
    • Friends that drain your energy
    • After hanging out with them, you are so drained that you want to lie on a sofa to recover

Humans are mimetic creatures. We copy those around us. Decentralized friend groups are medicine for the mimetic mind.

  • Decentralized Friend Groups: You have many small clusters of different friends who aren’t connected. The only thing they have in common is that they know you. Ambitious friends, fun friends, serious friends, relaxed friends, fitness friends, hometown friends, traveling friends, etc.
  • Centralized Friend Groups: You have one large cluster of friends. They all share the same history, beliefs and behaviors. They usually fit in one box. Examples: “School friends” or “Work friends”

See also: Mentorship is dated, build a panel of advisors instead

Most of your friends aren’t really your friends. They’re just along for the ride when it’s fun, convenient, or valuable. They’ll be gone when it’s none of those things. Your real friends are there for you when you have nothing to offer in return. Find them. Cherish them. Be one to someone else.

There are two types of friends:

  • Summer Friends are the ones who are there for you when it’s warm and sunny, but disappear when the weather starts to turn. They are the seasonal tourists, not the locals.
    • Most people in your life are Summer Friends, and when winter inevitably comes, they are gone.
  • Winter Friends are the ones who are there for you when it’s cold and dark. They are the locals, who have the wisdom to know that the seasons come and go.
    • The Winter Friends are the relationships that you really need to cultivate. Those are the people who will be there for you throughout the different seasons of your life.


  1. Why does this happen? “Energy Transference”